Thursday, July 31, 2008

Girlfriend Spotlight on Heidi Haugen!

Hi girls. I'm sorry it's been a while since I've posted. The Big Give is awesome - but it's had me running crazy this past week. I can't wait until Sunday when God blesses Living Hope with families for us to love on!

It's time to meet another girlfriend and get a closer look at who she is. Yeah! This is so much fun!
  1. What is your full name? Heidi Yvonne Haugen. My name means noble archer on a little hill. How about that.
  2. Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have two brothers, Ben and Wayne. I am also gaining an awesome sister-in-law soon.
  3. Where did you grow up? Lived the first 4 years of my life in Folsom and the rest of it here in Dixon.
  4. Are you married? Not married. However, happy being single.
  5. Do you have any kids or grand kids? neither.
  6. Name a favorite thing about someone in your family. I love all the members of my family for so many different reasons. My mom for her selflessness. My dad for his good example of a godly man. My older brother Ben for being a caring person. And my younger brother Wayne for his fun loving and peaceful spirit.
  7. What is your current job? Currently, I don't have a job. I am looking for one. Something in the accounting field. Hopefully with the government.
  8. What profession would you like to attempt? One day, a tax accountant.
  9. If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get? PIZZA! I love the stuff.
  10. What is one goal you’d like to accomplish during your lifetime? I would like to visit all three "Old Faithful" type of geysers. I have been to the one in Calistoga, CA. The other two are located in Yellowstone National Park and in New Zealand.
  11. Who is your hero? Jesus is my hero as well as my parents.
  12. What’s your favorite thing to do in the summer? Having homemade ice cream with my family on a lazy weekend afternoon.
  13. Are you a morning or night person? I am a night person. I think I inherited it from my mom.
  14. What are your favorite hobbies? Scottish Country Dancing even though I haven't danced in over a year. However, I will be performing at the Sacramento World Festival in September. Hurray!
  15. What are your pet peeves? When a car passes in a lane that is going to end just to get ahead of one or two cars. It irks me to no end because it causes others to slow down when they have to get back over.
  16. What turns you on? Answered prayers.
  17. What turns you off? When a good movie adds bad language or unnecessary scenes to make the movie "better."
  18. Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours. I am a list diva. I love the feeling of marking things off my list. I feel accomplished.
  19. If you had to describe yourself using three words, it would be… loyal, kind, and imperfect.
  20. If I could be anybody besides myself, I would be…I don't want to be anyone else. God made me to be me.
  21. When, how, why did you start attending Living Hope? My parents were founding members of Living Hope. My mom asked me to come the first couple weeks to see if I liked it. I have been coming ever since. I liked going to a church that the people lived in the same town as me. I also liked the feeling of being in a small church because there is always some ministry that could use my help. I have grown a lot of my time at Living Hope.
  22. What message do you want to send to your LH friends? I love you all.
Thanks, Heidi! I'm with you on the list thing!! Nothing makes me happier - ha! Thanks for sharing with us.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Unfaithful To Our Husbands?

In Conversation Peace, our ladies Bible Study, we've been discussing the various types of speech that build bridges and connect us to friends, family, co-workers, and more. In contrast, we've talked about the things we often say that tear our relationships apart and destroy the peace.

One thing really stood out to me in our last study. The author suggested that when we say negative things about our husbands, we're "unfaithful" to them. Hopefully we would never be physically unfaithful to the person we've made ever-lasting vows with. However, how many times do we complain about what he doesn't do or how he handles a situation? Have we ever jumped into a discussion with other women and made sarcastic remarks about our hubby and his habits or things that frustrate us? If so, we've been unfaithful to him in our speech. The Bible teaches us to encourage and lift one-another up. Yes, that includes our husband.

I want to encourage you not to get into a habit of complaining or gossiping about the man God has called you to support. Instead, replace that bad habit with a good one of encouragement, building him up, and being supportive (even if he doesn't do that for you). Look for the positive and find any chance you can to pass on those comments instead, both to him, and to others. You'll be amazed at how God changes both HIM and your relationship!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Family Service

Hey there, Girlfriends! Just FYI, this Sunday, Jeff will give the final sermon in the Summer Reading Series. It's from the book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney. Jeff's intention is for this to be a great family service. If you have kids, grand kids, or even neighbors with kids, this is the Sunday to invite them! The kids will be a part of "big church" and should really connect with this sermon. In fact, I'm going to have my kids each invite a friend. Don't worry, you won't be left out though. You'll get some great tips on how to build a healthy family in your home. See you there!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Juggling Act

Have you ever felt like your life was a juggling act? You're doing it ALL - wearing a million hats and trying to please everyone from your family, to your boss, to your pastor, to you friends... it never ends! All the while, you're a super woman! You can't let anyone know this is difficult or that you're struggling. What would they think? What if someone knew my marriage was in jeopardy? What would they think if they had any clue how horrible I am at being a mom while working full time? I've felt all those things and a hundred more. It prompted me to write this poem a few years back. My prayer is that it will help you see GOD'S TRUTH in the midst of satan's lies.

I know "satan" is supposed to be capitalized, but I refuse to do it. It's my own little OCD way of letting him know he's not worth a capital letter at the beginning of his name. He's not significant enough to have a capital... go ahead, laugh at me. Jeff does too.

I love you, girlfriends! Enjoy. Better yet, send me your favorite poem or one you've written. I'd love to post it!

The Juggling Act
Balls in the air moving around
One goes up another comes down
They move with grace in utter perfection
How does she keep that perfect formation?

Just one woman, only one
She cooks and cleans, the laundry is done
The house is tidy all the time
Her bed sheets tight, could bound a dime

Awards for baking, planting, creating
A star employee, legend in making
How does she do it, on hat, then another?
How many can she wear, yet keep it together?

Inside she cries, her heart torn in two
If all the admirers only knew
Too many plates to keep them all spinning
Pressed by desire to show that she's winning

Can't keep up this crazy facade
Confusion and hurt, this path that's been trod
Desire to please everyone she's around
Produces a fear and weighs her soul down

Wearing a mask of perfection and pride
A gentle reminder, whispers inside
The voice of her Father speaks to her soul
"Let go of your need to always control"

Her value and worth, found only in Him
Not in the number of plates she can spin
Not the formation of balls in the air
Nor in rewards her perfection will bare

So as you look at achievement to guide
Remember all stories have two equal sides
No need to feel that your image is bound
In wrong expectations of others around

Our only fulfillment, a result of His blood
His grace and His mercy have washed out the mud
Our one true identity, in Christ is found
Forgiveness and love that always surrounds

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend

BLING is the thing... at least for girlfriends! Anything that sparkles, shines, or catches the light, will spice up your look. We see it everywhere - on our cell phones, purses, clothes and of course, jewelry. There's just something fun about a little glitter or sparkle to brighten our mood or make our day just a little more fun!

Do you ever feel like your "bling" may be a bit much - even inappropriate? Good news! God's Word says that a little bling is just what we need! Ephesians 5:8 says, "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light."

Not only is it okay - but it's a command! We are to live as children of light to those around us. Just like our fun accessories, a little sparkle in our lives may show just the right amount of bling to brighten the world around us. A smile, a hug, a kind word to the person who doesn't seem so deserving... forgiveness, encouragement, patience with our family... the examples could go on and on.

No, it's not always easy. In fact, sometimes it's down-right HARD! The good news is, we are not just light, but
light in the Lord! We have His power to draw from. If you've accepted Christ into your life, you're no longer living in darkness. What are you doing with purpose and intent to live as children of light today?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Prayer for Savannah's Baby

Lia Hughes asked our girlfriends to please pray for the baby of Savannah and Micah and the grandparents Rita and Nate.  The request is for the delivery of a healthy baby and strength for the parents, grandparents and doctors that the Lord would have his hand on this pregnancy and the decisions being made regarding this precious child.

Thanks girlfriends!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Girlfriends Spotlight on Charlene Haugen!

Hi girlfriends! I would like you to get to know one of our girlfriends better. Here is our interview with Charlene.
  1. What is your full name? Charlene Janet (I actually use my maiden name for legal stuff) Haugen
  2. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 2 younger sister who live in Oregon & San Diego and a younger brother who lives in Colorado.
  3. Where did you grow up? Anaheim, CA, home of Disneyland & the California Angels (yes, that is what they were called originally when they moved to Anaheim)
  4. Are you married? Yes! To Roger. Our 32nd anniversary is July 24th. We started dating in 1972, wow!!
  5. Do you have any kids or grand kids? Ben 26, Heidi 24 & Wayne 22 and adding a daughter-in-law August 16th!!
  6. Name a favorite thing about someone in your family. My husband, Roger & my dad, Henry, they have both survived horrendous accidents miraculously and can testify to God's greatness. My dad lost his leg in a hit and run accident in 1990 and has still traveled the world & Roger is alive after his 2 story fall and head injury and continues to strive to improve.
  7. What is your current job? I am the household "activities coordinator" but actually do work seasonally for QSP Reader's Digest doing accounting & order processing for Jr. high fundraisers in Solano & Yolo counties.
  8. What profession would you like to attempt? Open a casual tearoom, but actually going out to tea is fine for now!!
  9. If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get? One of my grandma's pies recipes, but of course made by her!! My favorites are Colonial pumpkin, coconut cream & boysenberry.
  10. What is one goal you’d like to accomplish during your lifetime? An uncluttered house, but actually a family who continues to enjoy being together even as adults.
  11. Who is your hero? My sister, Terri. She has followed the Lord steadily through very difficult times and always is able to accomplish everything she sets out to do.
  12. What’s your favorite thing to do in the summer? Travel, I can do that anytime!!
  13. Are you a morning or night person? NIGHT
  14. What are your favorite hobbies? Reading (murder mysteries, biographies & romance novels), going to tea with friends, traveling, playing games with my family and doing puzzles with Heidi.
  15. What are your pet peeves? People, especially in Dixon, who don't signal when they are going to turn!!!
  16. What turns you on? Having my family together and hearing laughter.
  17. What turns you off? the HEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours. If I get an address or phone number, I will have it forever!!
  19. If you had to describe yourself using three words, it would be… a detective, accepting, blunt.
  20. If I could be anybody besides myself, I would be… I like me, so I would have to say a thinner & more organized "ME"
  21. When, how, why did you start attending Living Hope? I was one of the original Valley members who came to discuss starting a church plant. I wanted to have a church where I lived and where my kids had Christian friends nearby.
  22. What message do you want to send to your LH friends? With the Lord's help (built over time spent with Him, learning about Him & reading about Him) you can survive & endure ANYTHING. Being an example to your children in godly living is SOOOOO important but also to admit when you are wrong is equally important. We need to be different than people in the world or why would anyone want to be a Christian? And seeking professional help is sometimes an important part of being a better Christian wife, mother or friend.
This is FANTASTIC, Charlene! I have enjoyed getting to know you better and we all appreciate your honest and fun answers!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Spiritual Retreat

Solitude. For the typical woman, it's hard to find and sometimes scary when we actually get it. In our Next Step class this week, Jeff talked about taking a time of retreat as a spiritual discipline. We all know to pray, read our Bibles, worship... we may even fast on occasion. but to get away all alone without friends, family, or other influences to disturb us?!? That sound like an impossibility! It's hard to find time or resources for a family vacation, much less ALONE time for a few days! Think about it; who makes the meals? What about a sitter? How do we get time off work? The guilt of leaving everyone!

As crazy and "out there" as it may seem, Jesus showed us the example over and over of taking time away from every day life to be alone with God. It's more than just a daily Bible reading, but a time for pure refreshment and deep communication with talking, listening, and exploring God's will for your life. At one point Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days just to get closer to God and commune with Him. Other times, he went away on a boat or into a quiet place for 1 - 3 days. Now and then, he would take a disciple or two with him. It wasn't a vacation; it was a time of spiritual restoration.

For me, I find it hard to get a daily "quiet time" in where I can read the Bible and pray in peace without the baby or my kids in the middle of it all. I aim for Isla's morning nap time, but even then, there seem to be so many interruptions. Last week, I took Isaiah to Fairfield for a sports camp two evenings. At first, I was a little "put-out" that I had to drive him out there and hang out in Fairfield for a couple of hours while he was at camp. I didn't want to waste gas driving back and forth all evening. However, I took my Bible and study book to a Barnes and Noble where I enjoyed a drink and time alone with God. Sure, there were technically other people around, but I was in my own world. I was able to just melt away in the scripture I read and sit for several minutes at a time while God spoke to me. I soaked it in and thanked God for the moments away from my home and family (whom I love dearly). The next night, I didn't even ask Jeff to take Isaiah. I was excited to go because I knew what I had waiting for me. Solitude.

That retreat experience may not be exactly what Jesus had during his time in the wilderness, but it was a good start. It gave me a taste of what could be amazing if I REALLY got away and alone with God. Now, I plan to sit down with Jeff and discuss with him the possibilities of getting away for my own spiritual retreat. It may just be an afternoon in a park or at the lake, but he and I need to be willing to help each other make this happen. It will take some planning and willingness to help out with kids and meals and such, but I believe it's not only Biblical, but an example that Jesus left for us. I want to make sure Jeff gets this time as well., and at some point, he and I can do this together. We won't be able to do this every week or even every month, but once or twice a year - that would be perfect!

What can you do to get away and be alone with God? Make plans to get out of your house and away from distractions so that you can think clearly about what God wants to do in you and through you. I love this concept and hope you feel challenged to take your relationship with God to a new level. Maybe as girlfriends we could be willing to help each other out with the kids or meals to make this work. Any ideas? I'd love to know how you feel about this concept.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Where's the Grace?

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see.

I think we all agree that grace is amazing. We don't deserve God's love or mercy, but He gives it to us freely anyway. All we have to do is accept it. The Bible teaches that when we accept Christ, He fills us with His grace. Why then do we have a problem showing that Grace to others? Why is it that we run through our daily lives arguing with our spouse, yelling at the kids, ignoring people who are hurting, and secretly angry at others who hurt us? Oh sure, we show grace from time to time. We throw in a token good deed and help a stranger now and then. But come on, day-to-day, with the people we love most or work with often, we don't always show grace.

The words that pour from my lips are often cruel, unnecessary, or somehow just a slight bit off balance and not aligned with the kind of speech Christ would want me to use. Most of the time, when I screw up and say something stupid, I regret it and have to go back and apologize. So why do I say those things in the first place? Where is the mercy and grace God extended to me? Why do I not extend it to others?

This one is for you to answer. I want to hear your opinions on why you think Christians struggle with this and what we should do about it. Let me know what you think!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Truth or Dare?

It's become so PC these days to embrace all kinds of thinking and to keep an open mind about everyone and everything, even if it's in direct opposition to God's Word. Why not? Shouldn't we all be happy and pursue our dreams at any cost? As a Christian, the Bible teaches us that we need to look to Christ as the example of how we live and trust in the Bible as our ultimate authority in any decision we make or belief we hold. Sometimes, it's not the popular opinion, but it's God's Word.

We often tell ourselves statements that we believe to be true, but they are absolute lies instead. Satan has a way of twisting scripture around in our minds to the point that we start believing these lies. A few examples?

I can't beat my past.
God could never love/accept me.
I need to be in control.
I need to pursue my own happiness.
If I don't fight back, I'll get walked on.
I have a right to retaliate when I've been hurt.
It's all about me.
God is not big enough do do it.

In this week's Bible Study, we were asked to evaluate our beliefs and the lies that Satan often buries in our hearts. The above statements and so many others like them are NOT true. Scripture tells us that God will forgive us of our past, no matter what! We learn that happiness is found in pursuing God, not our own desires. Jesus teaches to forgive, not retaliate. The list goes on and on. What lies have you been telling yourself lately or allowing an outside influence to impress on your heart? God's word is our guide and only in this truth will we ever find the peace God wants us to walk in. Are you struggling with any of these lies? Talk to a spiritual leader that you trust and find scriptural answers to these very important life questions.

Truth is characteristic of Christ. Deceit is characteristic of Satan. It's pretty cut and dry. We follow the example of one or the other. Who will you follow? I urge you - don't take the dare. It's a matter of life or death.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Thankful In All Circumstances!

There's nothing like being sick to turn a woman's house upside down! Add a sick husband, baby, and another kid or two and it may seem hopeless. It comes in layers, of course. First the baby who gives it to big sis, then to mom, then to dad, and so on.

But come on! We all know that as a wife and a mom, we don't get to stop just because we're not feeling well. Somehow we find a way to continue cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry. At my house, you know it's bad when I let those things go. This holiday weekend, they were all let go. I was in either in bed or on the couch for 2 or 3 days and it was noticeable!

However, even through all the piles of laundry and lack of anything close to a balanced meal, I was so thankful for my kids! Isaiah watched Isla one morning while I stayed in bed and Mollie was at a sleep-over. I heard him in the living room as he gave up his movie (stopped it right in the middle) to turn on Yo-Gabba-Gabba for Isla. He knows just what works to keep her happy! I even heard some comments as he fed her a breakfast bar and changed her diaper - wow! My little boy is growing up. Then, Mollie whipped up her very first batch of chocolate chip cookies from scratch and made the bar-pan recipe. They were delicious and picked up everyone's mood. Isaiah wanted to know if he could invite his neighborhood friends over for "the best chocolate chip cake dessert thingy" he's ever had!

So, now I'm feeling better and it's catch-up time for laundry and house work. Instead of complaining about what I have ahead of me (it's a fairly daunting task) I decided to be THANKFUL for the help I had while I was down and the fact that I don't have to do it alone. What do you have to be thankful for today?

I Thes. 5:18 says, "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." Come, on! Dig deep and you'll find a positive spin on whatever situation you're in!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Mouth is a Mirror

"For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Matt. 12:34

Day 1 of this week's Conversation Peace devotional cuts right to the chase. If my heart is not right with God, the words I speak won't be good ones. My mouth is a reflection of the condition of my heart. Sure, I can hide it at work, with strangers, or with the conversations that don't mean much to me. But when I'm with my family, friends, or the people I love most, they will eventually see the condition of my heart. It's happened so many times before, usually with regret.

If I want to show people that I love the Lord and I'm serving Him, I need to make sure my heart is right with God. I'm not talking about going to church, doing nice things, or giving to a good cause. Have you started a true, deep, meaningful relationship with Jesus? If so, are you cultivating that relationship with him and doing your part to see that it grows and doesn't become stagnant? If not, I would LOVE to show you how, or you can talk with your pastor or another Christian friend today! When your heart is in a right relationship with Jesus, your mouth can't help but overflow with the joy you have inside!

Does it mean I'll never struggle with inappropriate speech? Unfortunately, no. However, my relationship with Jesus will guide me toward productive growth even through the times I screw up. I'm so thankful for God's forgiveness! Like it or not, my mouth is a mirror. I need to let God work in me so that the reflection I give is His!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mustard Chicken - 5 weight watchers points!

Take a look at this incredibly easy recipe submitted by Simone Martin. Healthy, delicious, and simple... can't wait to give it a try!
4 Skinless Chicken Breasts
2 Tbls. Plain Yogurt
2 Tbls. Dijon Mustard
1 Tsp. of Dried Oregeno
1/2 Tsp. of Dried Thyme

Preheat oven to 350. Arrange chicken in a dish. Mix the rest of ingredients in a bowl and then spread over both sides of chicken breasts. Place into oven for 45-50 minutes or until center is cooked through. You can microwave on high for about 8-10 minutes (or cooked through).

Serve with steamed vegetables and bread like we did tonight and you have a tasty, low fat meal in rather a short time.
Thanks, Simone. Anyone else have a great one to share?