Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Missions Message

Today I want to focus on a people group that our children learned about and prayed for this week in Kids Church, the Khamba people. They are a people group that live in Tibet and are part of the 10-40 window. Tibet is part of China and home of Mt. Everest. As many of us know, Tibet lost its temporary independence in 1950 when China invaded Tibet. Before that it was considered a theocratic Buddhist state. The Communists have sought to destroy the culture, religions and ethnic identity of the people. It is thought that perhaps 1 million people have lost their lives in resistance and a further 100,000 have been forced into exile including the Dalai Lama who is considered the political and spiritual leader of Tibetans.

Our children learned this week that they love horses and are known for their expert horsemanship. One unique pastime the Khamba (or Khampa depending on how you phonetically hear this people group's name) people have is yak racing. They are Lama Buddhist and are part of the red hat faction. According to Operation World, there is much demonic bondage and spirit appeasement. The Khamba people believe that they need to earn merit to gain access to heaven which can be done through saying certain prayers over and over again, doing good, and other methods to appease the spirits. In all of Tibet, only .2% are Christian, largely Catholic.
Prayer Points:
  • That the Khamba people will be released from spiritual bondage and become followers of Christ.
  • That the efforts going on through the Jesus Film, radio and personal evangelism will bear fruit and that many people will hear the Good News and believe.
  • That there will be a peaceful and just settlement for the political situation in Tibet.
All this information comes either from The Caleb Project or Operation World.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Approval Seekers

Hi girlfriends! It's been WAY TOO LONG! I think our household has gone upside down - but we're getting back to "normal". I wanted to share with you from a devotion I read today.

Paul wrote to the people of Galatia about the gospel of Christ. He warns us that some will come along who try to preach something other than the TRUE Word of God. At times, it can sound so convincing, that we want to believe it. He warns us to be careful and only allow the truth that comes from God's Word to permeate our hearts. It wasn't easy for Paul to share this message. It was a hard truth that they needed to hear. In Galatians 1:20, he follows it up by asking,
Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.

As women, it's easy to worry about what others think of us. Many times in my own life, concern for what others think has been so strong that it's driven me to make decisions that I wouldn't have made otherwise. (I'm not just talking about what to order from a menu or which color of blouse to buy). When our closest friends, family, and trusted acquaintances disagree with a direction we choose to take in life, it can be difficult. When this happens, will you be strong? Don't forget, it's the approval of GOD we seek, not that of those around us! As long as you're in the center of HIS will, nothing else matters. I encourage you to seek God's perfect plan for your life. Read His Word, pray often, and seek Godly counsel to make decisions that would be pleasing to Him.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Prayer Priority

Well Ladies, I thought since October is Pastor Appreciation month it would be a great time to focus our prayers on our pastor!  He has the tremendous responsibility of shepherding the people of our church and he's doing a great job.  Let's hold him before the Lord and ask God to give him the strength and wisdom he needs (as a pastor, husband & father), that God would bless him and anoint him, and that he would be encouraged.  And if you get a chance, encourage him with an email or phone call letting him know how much you appreciate the job he's doing!

-Angela Lockwood

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Missions Message

India’s Economy
I don’t know if we here in the United States can truly understand what poverty in a third world country really is like unless we have seen it and experienced it.  I remember a friend in college who grew up in Mexico City and had witnessed it first hand who then decided to live in India for a year.  He came back and said he had never seen anything like the desperation that he saw there. 
“One-third of India's population (roughly equivalent to the entire population of the United States) lives below the poverty line and India is home to one-third of the world's poor people.
Though the middle class has gained from recent positive economic developments, India suffers from substantial poverty. According to the new World Bank's estimates on poverty based on 2005 data, India has 456 million people, 41.6% of its population, living below the new international poverty line of $1.25 (PPP) per day. The World Bank further estimates that 33% of the global poor now reside in India. Moreover, India also has 828 million people, or 75.6% of the population living below $2 a day, compared to 72.2% for Sub-Saharan Africa.

75% of the poor are in rural areas, most of them are daily wagers, self-employed householders and landless labourers. Although Indian economy has grown steadily over the last two decades, its growth has been uneven when comparing different social groups, economic groups, geographic regions, and rural and urban areas.”   (Wikipedia)


Despite the overwhelming and daunting statistics, there are Christian ministries making some real economic differences to families and communities.  One of the more promising strategies has been micro-financing.  This means that people are given small loans with little or no interest to begin a small business to improve their economic situation.  One of the most well known among Christian organizations is Opportunity International. They work world-wide. In India, they have over 34,000 active loans close to 5 million dollars.  Another organization that works with families in India is HeartCraft. This organization helps persecuted Christians and local self-help groups by teaching them to learn new skills and have viable business platforms.  HeartCraft then brings these products here to sell them.   There are many other good ministries using this strategy of microfinancing to bring the hope of the gospel to a very desperate part of the world.


Prayer Points:

Christian Ministries such as the one mentioned above would flourish and really be able to bring both economic and spiritual help to the poor of India.


That our hearts would break for the poor and we would become generous in our giving towards the least of these….we would store up treasures in heaven rather than in our closets.


That India's poor would be loved by both the nationals and by the international community.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Girlfriend Spotlight on Lilyana Escobar!

What is your full name? Lilyana Dyala Escobar 

Do you have any brothers or sisters? 1 loving lil bro

Where did you grow up? East Bay (SF, Pittsburg,Concord)

Are you married?  Yes, Booboo AKA Manuel for 3 yrs. now

Do you have any kids? Sure do - my adorable Ethan, 2yrs

Name a favorite thing about someone in your family. My mother; she is so strong in faith & in character. She's someone I look up to.

What is your current job? Homemaker or whatever you'd lke to call it.

What profession would you like to attempt? Dentistry, LOVE IT!

If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get? Ice 

What is one goal you’d like to accomplish during your lifetime? Get some more education

Who is your hero? My mother

What’s your favorite thing to do in the summer? Going for bike rides

Are you a morning or night person? Depends on my mood

What are your favorite hobbies? Cooking
What are your pet peeves? Too many to list

What turns you on? An act of kindness

What turns you off? Rude behavior

Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours. I like hugging total strangers if they look like they need it.

If you had to describe yourself using three words, it would be… hyper, free spirited, optimistic

When, how, why did you start attending Living Hope? Dec 2005, when booboo & i were dating we visited once, we enjoyed the atmosphere!

What message do you want to send to your LH friends? Thank you for all you've done for our family; a smile or hug or whatever it was; it is totally appreciated.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Missions Message

We have been getting little snapshots into the country of India these last few weeks. This week we are going to focus on the religions of India. This is the breakdown of religions in India: Hindu 80.5%, Muslim 13.4%, Christian 2.3%, Sikh 1.9%, other 1.8%, unspecified 0.1% (2001 census).

India has the largest number of Sikhs and the second largest number of Muslims in the world, next to Indonesia. In 1971 the Muslim population was 9.9%, which increased to 11.35 in 1981 and now it is claimed that India is more than 14% Muslim.
Although Islam is on the rise, as we can see the bulk of Indians see themselves as Hindu. It is the world's third largest religious system. But what does it mean to be Hindu? To be honest, it is very difficult for me to be able to synthesize it down to a couple of sentences. In fact, Indians would probably say a westerner could not do it. But, I will make some attempt to give us at least an idea.

Many people consider themselves Hindu simply because they live in or identify with India and its culture. As a religion, Hinduism is a wide system of thought with beliefs spanning monotheism, polytheism, panentheism, pantheism, monoism, and atheism. As you may realize, Hinduism is as diverse as its languages and peoples. Some tenents are that the goal of life is personal extinction in the impersonal oneness of all things. Man is in an endless cycle of reincarnation and suffering caused by past actions. To be released from this cycle of suffering and fate you need to be able to empty yourself by following a specific ritual or discipline.

One of the results of this religion has been the caste system. You are born into a caste because of your past life (good deeds/living in past life and you are in a higher caste, bad deeds/living and you are in a lower caste). Although caste discrimination is forbidden by the constitution it is still prevalent. These different castes function as a separate group because of the social barriers that separate them.

Although India has religous freedom, it is closed to missionaries from other countries. Indian missionaries, though, can travel to any part of the country and preach the Good News.

The information for this week came directly from Wikipedia, the CIA Factbook, Operation World and The Universe Next Door.

So, now we come to prayer points:
the leaders will uphold religious freedom as mandated by the constitution.
the Holy Spirit would begin to move throughout India and open eyes to the truth.
that the training of Christian workers would increase through Bible schools and training centers.
And finally pray for the Christians who are currently being persecuted in India.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Mother's Work Is Never Done

We'll - it's official! We voted, and it seems that our mothers had the most positive influence on us as we grew up. For some, a teacher, friend, or other mentor contributed, but for most, it was our mothers! If you're a mother, what are you doing to ensure that your influence is being used the way God would direct you?

Deuteronomy 6: 5-9 says, Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.

As a mom, we never get a moment's rest. Everything we say and do, should be in the name of Jesus, teaching our children about Him every step of the way. It's a challenge, but one that is possible with God's helps.

Not a mom?!? That's okay. You're still called to love the Lord your God as this scripture instructs. And who knows? You may be the other person who influences someone more than their own mom. Take every opportunity to show a child the love of Christ.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Announcing Wesley John Besseghini, Jr.

Wesley John Besseghini, Jr.
"Baby J"
1:44 a.m.
9lb 11oz
21-1/2 inches long

A few words from our new, proud, grandma...

It's been a really long haul...2 weeks late, started inducing late
Tuesday afternoon. About 33 hours of labor- drugs, epidural, water breaking, and fully dilating, our little angel decided it was just too tight a fit and refused to go on. Jessi had a C-section at about 1:30 am Thurs morn, and our grandson was born.

He is SO beautiful and alert and has quite a bit of hair! Jessi is doing amazingly well after all the last few days have brought.We are so thankful for all the prayers and concern, and now so thankful for a healthy baby and mom! See ya soon! - Colette

Of course, I had to "boast" and show off my opportunity to hold this precious little guy! What a beautiful baby! Wes and Jessi - GREAT JOB! We're so excited for you and the entire family!

Love, Your Girlfriends!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Girlfriend Spotlight on Lia Hughes!

It's been a few weeks... but the wait is over!  Meet our next girlfriend, Lia Hughes!
What is your full name? Lia Michelle Hughes
Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have one brother Tom.
Where did you grow up? I was born in the state of Washington, moved to Ohio by age 2, then to Sunnyvale CA in 1st grade.  During Middle School we moved to Cupertino (next to Sunnyvale) where we stayed till I graduated High School.  I went to DeAnza Junior College (Cupertino), Santa Rosa JCSan Jose State, SanFransisco State & Graduated from South Western Oklahoma State U inWeatherford, OK.  Long Haul, but I finally made it.
Are you married? Married in 1996, Divorced in 1998.  Happy just hanging with my kids.
Do you have any kids? Brian 15 & Dana 12
Name a favorite thing about someone in your family. I love my whole family!  We get along great!  I totally believe that it takes a village to raise a family :)
What is your current job? I have my own business doing Web Design and Hosting (I do the accounting and office work mostly and leave the designing up to others)
What profession would you like to attempt? Retirement :)
If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get? Anything I don't have to cook! Mexican, Italian, Chinese - STEAK 
What is one goal you'd like to accomplish during your lifetime? See my grand children's children and be involved as one big happy family.
Who is your hero? I don't really have one.  I guess my Dad.  I am definitely a daddy's girl :)
What's your favorite thing to do in the summer? Play on the water
Are you a morning or night person? Definitely Night
What are your favorite hobbies? Crochet, Knitting, Cross Stitching - Hanging out talking
What are your pet peeves? Grumpy People
What turns you on? Happy People
What turns you off? Cigarette Smoke
Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours. I always want to make everyone happy :)
If you had to describe yourself using three words, it would be… Easy going, helpful, happy
When, how, why did you start attending Living Hope? I first went to the organization meeting when they were trying to get Living Hope started.  Then I dragged Luchie &; Chris to the First Sunday Service at Living Hope.  I did take a break to try to get my kids involved more with Church and attended Dixon Community which was great for about 6 mo and then went down hill.  I was so happy to come back to Living Hope and was very pleased to find out that that Sunday was Rob's first Sunday as worship leader.  It felt like home to be back.  I first found out about Living Hope because I attended Valley in Vacaville.</span>
What message do you want to send to your LH friends?  SMILE :)

Please Pray...

As many of you know, one of our girlfriends, Charlene, has been praying for and helping her mother who is very sick. On Sunday, her mother collapsed at church (after finally finishing radiation). Here is an update from her on the latest news and how you and I can be praying for her family during this time. Thanks for your prayers!

Well, I really don't want to write this but it is what it is!! It has been determined that my mom's tumor is back and that is almost twice the size as the original. Please pray as we look at courses of action or whether we let it go and enjoy what time we have left. They had told us this was very invasive and progressive but having just completed 33 radiation treatments we had hoped for better. Pray for wisdom for us all in dealing with what is to come and each other. Pray for times of reconciliation for those who need it and peace for everyone. My mom is grandmother to 13 kids. Pray for her as she is concerned for them all and that they would follow Jesus in their lives. Pray also for me and my siblings as we come to the end of her life. My mom has always trusted the Lord. She went through my dad's tremendous accident when he lost his leg in 1990 in the
hit and run accident. She has helped her dad, mom, aunt and brother as they passed away. It is time for us to give back. She is ready to see the Lord and that will be great for her. It is always we who are left behind who are sad.

Tuesday my sister called with an update. She was there when my dad was talking to the radiologist. The doctor seems to think that whatever they found is not accurate because it is too soon after completing the treatments to get an accurate reading. My sister and dad will be researching a new primary doctor, hopefully one they feel very confident in. My dad is so scattered and my sister is so organized that there is a bit of frustration on her part. Pray for clearness of direction and peace for whatever action we take. As for now Roger and I won't be leaving. We have various appointments and commitments that we would like to get done. The major one right now is Roger's deposition tomorrow and next Tues. Pray for clearness of mind and calmness for him and for me as I will be there as a support. Pray too that my brother is able to get here soon. I would love to see him as it has been since my parent's 50th anniversary in 2003 since I have seen him. Thanks again for all of your notes and offers to help. I can't think of anything right now, but it is great to know that so many are willing to be available.

Love, Charlene