Friday, May 30, 2008

It's All About Me!

Isn't it funny how we teach our kids to say "thank you" and "please", and show them how to share, but we never have to teach them to say "no" or "mine"? From infancy, we're selfish in nature and as we grow and mature, we have to learn to think of others before ourselves.

If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. - Philippians 1:1-4

It's not always easy to meet the needs of others before your own, but Jesus tells us that the first will be last and the last will be first at the end of this life. Of course, women often take care of their husband and kid's NEEDS first, but what about their WISHES? What about a friend, neighbor, or co-worker? How about the casual acquaintance at the bank or store? What can you do for someone today to put their needs and wishes above yours?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Summer Bible Study

Hey there, girlfriends! Our spring Bible study on the Frazzled Female was such a success! Our evening group finished up with a prayer journal last week and the morning group will be finishing up in two weeks. I'm so excited that several ladies want participate in a summer study! I would love your help in selecting the book we use. Here's a brief synopsis of the choices you have:

VICTORIOUSLY FRAZZLED, by Cindi Wood - This continuation of The Frazzled Female will help any worn out, burned out, and stressed out woman understand the Spirit God has given her. The goal is to lead women into the presence of God—right in the midst of their “frazzledness.” By doing so, women will gradually pull back from confusion and doubt, from fear and self, and allow God’s Spirit to have His way in their lives.

CONVERSATION PEACE, by Mary Kassian - Here's a women's study that really hits home. Mary Kassian masterfully presents the biblical principles to help women revolutionize their speech habits and improve their relationships by focusing on ways to positively avoid sharing gossip, throwing negative barbs, or snapping sarcastic replies throughout everyday life.

IN MY FATHER'S HOUSE - Women Relating to God as Father, by Mary Kassian - This study explores how a woman's image of God the Father is often based on her experiences (or lack of experiences) with her earthly father. Examines these attitudes/experiences with her earthly father in light of what the Word says about the fatherhood of God.

LIVING YOUR LIFE AS A BEAUTIFUL OFFERING, by Angela Thomas - How can an imperfect life with blemishes and scars reflect back to God a true gratefulness for His love? Jesus knows you are not perfect, but He also knows that you are made perfect in Him, if only you will come and surrender to Him daily. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives us His compassionate instruction for everyday living and then wraps His teaching with the promise of His blessing. “Jesus wants us to learn to live in a way that reflects the kingdom of God to the world, to live as a woman with a kingdom heart.”

Please vote on this blog (top, right-hand corner) for the study you want to participate in this summer. We'll begin approximately June 18th and continue for 6-8 weeks, depending on the study we choose. Can't wait to see you each there!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Leaving A Legacy

Growing up, people used to call my family the "potato head family". They said we all looked alike and we could each trade noses, ears, eyes, and such and we would still look the same. I still bear many of my family's physical traits today. However, more importantly, I bear the traits of their character and the influence they bore on me as a person.

This Mother's Day, I think of my mom who is celebrating back home with my two brothers, while I'm 2,000 miles away, celebrating with my kids. I thought I'd take some time to honor my mom from afar and let our "girlfriends" know the legacy that she is creating. I want to focus on the character traits of my mother and what they mean to me.

My mother is strong. She knows what she wants and how she feels, and she's not afraid to let anyone know. Yes, I believe it's from her that I get my independence and stamina. My mother is patient. How she made it through all the years of disrespect, hormones, and crazy sibling disputes, I'll never know. My mother is intelligent. I always knew where to go for help with school work. She gave me a standard to reach and I'm proud to say it was high. My mother is loyal. She has shown me by example what it means to stand by your husband through thick and thin (40+ years). She keeps her word and always follows through with any job that she starts. My mother is selfless. She gives, and gives, and then gives some more, sometimes to the detriment of her health or well-being. My mother is supportive. Through the years of moving all over the country, taking grand-kids "away" and following our dreams, my mother supports our family and the work that God has called us to. The list goes on and I could continue all night. However, I must point out the greatest gift of all...

My mother loves Jesus. She made sure that I was raised in a home where Jesus came first. At the age of 5, she was the one who prayed with me as I gave my heart to Jesus. Now, 31 years later, I'm grateful for the sacrifices she made for our family and the importance she placed on serving Jesus with all our heart. I can only hope to pass this legacy on to my children. As they continue to grow, I'll watch the seeds that my grandmother planted in my mom continue to bear fruit as my mom planted them in me and I, in my kids.

So let me ask you; what legacy are you leaving to your children? None of us can be perfect. All we can do is our best. Let's support each other as "girlfriends" who are trying to make a difference in the eternal lives of our kids.

By the way - I also want to honor my mother-in-law who is another tremendous example and amazing woman in my life. She understands the ups and downs of "full time" ministry and what it means to be a pastor's wife. She raised a son and instilled in him the importance of his role as a godly, committed, father and husband. She thinks of me as her own daughter and accepts me, flaws and all. So to both of my moms, I love and appreciate you both!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Prayer Journal Session

Hey girls! Our evening group has completed the 6th and final session of the Frazzled Female Bible study. Fantastic job to all of you who allowed God to speak to you and change you from the inside out.

Next week, on Wednesday, May 14th, we'll meet at the Firehouse Cafe at 6:30 to make PRAYER JOURNALS. All ladies are invited to join us whether you've been attending the Bible study or not. We'll talk about ways to create a regular prayer time with God, or to enhance the time you already spend with him. In addition, we'll make a journal that you can use as a guide in your quiet time with Him. This will be a fun, interactive evening, and I hope to see each of you there!

Following, is a list of supplies that you might like to bring:

  1. Spiral Notebook or classic journal/writing book
  2. Glue stick or other adhesive
  3. Scissors, pens, markers
  4. Pictures of your family and/or close friends
  5. Pictures or small items from your work place (business cards, company logo)
  6. Picture of your home
  7. Church bulletin or pictures of church functions and people
  8. Pictures of missionaries that you pray for or support

There is no exact formula of what items you'll need, just think about the areas in your life that you want to pray for on a regular basis, and bring pictures and small items that remind you of those things. If you don't have all these pictures - no big deal. I will provide some additional supplies for those who may need them. Can't wait to see you all on Wednesday. Bring a friend!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Girlfriends are Grateful!

Tuesday, May 6th, is National Teachers Day. Living Hope Church "Girlfriends" want to show their support. We're especially thankful to the teachers and staff at Tremont Elementary for the use of their facilities each week. In an effort to show our appreciation, we're providing the staff with yummy treats on their special day.

YOU CAN HELP! We need donations of snacks and finger foods to serve 45 staff members. If you're interested in helping, please contact Jamie at Make plans to bring your treats to the Myers' home on Monday, May 5th, or Jamie will gladly pick them up. "What shall I bring?", you ask. We need salty, sweet, veggies, fruits, and everything in between. Jamie will deliver all the goodies to Tremont on Tuesday morning so the teachers and staff can munch on them throughout the day. We'll decorate and add a few signs that let the teachers know Living Hope Church supports our teachers and appreciates their service to the community.

If you'd rather donate cash, we can use it to purchase paper goods and decorations. We hope you enjoy this opportunity to reach out to the community and show the love of Jesus.