Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Prayers for the New Year!

As we enter into our activities, parties, food, friends, and more for New Year's Eve - we'll no doubt take time to think through monumental events that have occurred over the past year.  We'll probably look to the new year and find places where we can change, grow, and meet new goals and plans.

In addition to this important time of reflection and renewal, take a moment to pray.  Ask God to guide the choices you make in the new year.  Ask for a closer walk with Him and for specific steps you can take to ensure you make progress.  Pray for your leaders in the new year - at church, work, home, and for our country as a whole.  Pray for your Girlfriends at Living Hope that we would be a light to our communities and honor God with our efforts.  Pray for a friend or acquaintance that God will provide you with an opportunity to lead them to Christ.  

Enjoy the parties, fun, or extra sleep!  Just don't forget the giver of new life and new beginnings in the midst of it all.

Love you all! - Jamie

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