Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Complaining, Gossiping, and Sulking - Not An Option!

One of our girlfriends, Cindy Minatre, sent this to me today and I thought I'd share it with you all.

There are two conditions in life:  Accept things as they exist, or accept responsibility for changing them.  by Dr. Dennis Waitley

This quote isn't a Bible verse, but it speaks some Biblical truth.  God calls us to be content in all circumstances.  He won't give us more than we can handle, and there are lessons to be learned in any trial.  Sometimes we need to accept things the way they are.

God also calls us to make a difference in our world.  He commands us to take ACTION when we choose to follow Him; Christianity is not a spectator sport.  EVERYONE is called to go, tell, and minister to people in every walk of life.

Paul pleaded for God to take the "thorn" from his flesh and give him relief.  We don't know for sure what his thorn was.  A difficult person?  A persistent physical pain or condition?  A need/want that he hoped to have fulfilled?  Regardless, when it was not removed, He continued to serve Christ and do so with joy.  

So for today, which will you choose?  You notice that complaining, gossiping, and sulking are not options.  What is God asking you to do now in your specific circumstance?  Pray about it.  Talk through it with a trusted Christian friend.  He'll guide you to the right decision.

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