Friday, July 11, 2008

Where's the Grace?

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see.

I think we all agree that grace is amazing. We don't deserve God's love or mercy, but He gives it to us freely anyway. All we have to do is accept it. The Bible teaches that when we accept Christ, He fills us with His grace. Why then do we have a problem showing that Grace to others? Why is it that we run through our daily lives arguing with our spouse, yelling at the kids, ignoring people who are hurting, and secretly angry at others who hurt us? Oh sure, we show grace from time to time. We throw in a token good deed and help a stranger now and then. But come on, day-to-day, with the people we love most or work with often, we don't always show grace.

The words that pour from my lips are often cruel, unnecessary, or somehow just a slight bit off balance and not aligned with the kind of speech Christ would want me to use. Most of the time, when I screw up and say something stupid, I regret it and have to go back and apologize. So why do I say those things in the first place? Where is the mercy and grace God extended to me? Why do I not extend it to others?

This one is for you to answer. I want to hear your opinions on why you think Christians struggle with this and what we should do about it. Let me know what you think!!


Anonymous said...

I think we have God's power to draw from, but we just don't take advantage of it sometimes.

Anonymous said...

We're all human and our nature is to do selfish greedy things. We have to ask God daily to give us his grace to share with others.