As crazy and "out there" as it may seem, Jesus showed us the example over and over of taking time away from every day life to be alone with God. It's more than just a daily Bible reading, but a time for pure refreshment and deep communication with talking, listening, and exploring God's will for your life. At one point Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days just to get closer to God and commune with Him. Other times, he went away on a boat or into a quiet place for 1 - 3 days. Now and then, he would take a disciple or two with him. It wasn't a vacation; it was a time of spiritual restoration.
For me, I find it hard to get a daily "quiet time" in where I can read the Bible and pray in peace without the baby or my kids in the middle of it all. I aim for Isla's morning nap time, but even then, there seem to be so many interruptions. Last week, I took Isaiah to Fairfield for a sports camp two evenings. At first, I was a little "put-out" that I had to drive him out there and hang out in Fairfield for a couple of hours while he was at camp. I didn't want to waste gas driving back and forth all evening. However, I took my Bible and study book to a Barnes and Noble where I enjoyed a drink and time alone with God. Sure, there were technically other people around, but I was in my own world. I was able to just melt away in the scripture I read and sit for several minutes at a time while God spoke to me. I soaked it in and thanked God for the moments away from my home and family (whom I love dearly). The next night, I didn't even ask Jeff to take Isaiah. I was excited to go because I knew what I had waiting for me. Solitude.
That retreat experience may not be exactly what Jesus had during his time in the wilderness, but it was a good start. It gave me a taste of what could be amazing if I REALLY got away and alone with God. Now, I plan to sit down with Jeff and discuss with him the possibilities of getting away for my own spiritual retreat. It may just be an afternoon in a park or at the lake, but he and I need to be willing to help each other make this happen. It will take some planning and willingness to help out with kids and meals and such, but I believe it's not only Biblical, but an example that Jesus left for us. I want to make sure Jeff gets this time as well., and at some point, he and I can do this together. We won't be able to do this every week or even every month, but once or twice a year - that would be perfect!
What can you do to get away and be alone with God? Make plans to get out of your house and away from distractions so that you can think clearly about what God wants to do in you and through you. I love this concept and hope you feel challenged to take your relationship with God to a new level. Maybe as girlfriends we could be willing to help each other out with the kids or meals to make this work. Any ideas? I'd love to know how you feel about this concept.
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