Have you ever felt like your life was a juggling act? You're
doing it ALL - wearing a million hats and trying to please everyone from your family, to your boss, to your pastor, to you friends... it never ends! All the while, you're a super woman! You can't let anyone know this is difficult or that you're struggling. What would they think? What if someone knew my marriage was in jeopardy? What would they think if they had any clue how horrible I am at being a mom while working full time? I've felt all those things and a hundred more. It prompted me to write this poem a few years back. My prayer is that it will help you see GOD'S TRUTH in the midst of satan's lies.

I know "satan" is supposed to be capitalized, but I refuse to do it. It's my own little OCD way of letting him know he's not worth a capital letter at the beginning of his name. He's not significant enough to have a capital... go ahead, laugh at me. Jeff does too.
I love you, girlfriends! Enjoy. Better yet, send me your favorite poem or one you've written. I'd love to post it!
The Juggling Act
Balls in the air moving around
One goes up another comes down
They move with grace in utter perfection
How does she keep that perfect formation?
Just one woman, only one
She cooks and cleans, the laundry is done
The house is tidy all the time
Her bed sheets tight, could bound a dime
Awards for baking, planting, creating
A star employee, legend in making
How does she do it, on hat, then another?
How many can she wear, yet keep it together?
Inside she cries, her heart torn in two
If all the admirers only knew
Too many plates to keep them all spinning
Pressed by desire to show that she's winning
Can't keep up this crazy facade
Confusion and hurt, this path that's been trod
Desire to please everyone she's around
Produces a fear and weighs her soul down
Wearing a mask of perfection and pride
A gentle reminder, whispers inside
The voice of her Father speaks to her soul
"Let go of your need to always control"
Her value and worth, found only in Him
Not in the number of plates she can spin
Not the formation of balls in the air
Nor in rewards her perfection will bare
So as you look at achievement to guide
Remember all stories have two equal sides
No need to feel that your image is bound
In wrong expectations of others around
Our only fulfillment, a result of His blood
His grace and His mercy have washed out the mud
Our one true identity, in Christ is found
Forgiveness and love that always surrounds
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