We often tell ourselves statements that we believe to be true, but they are absolute lies instead. Satan has a way of twisting scripture around in our minds to the point that we start believing these lies. A few examples?
I can't beat my past.
God could never love/accept me.
I need to be in control.
I need to pursue my own happiness.
If I don't fight back, I'll get walked on.
I have a right to retaliate when I've been hurt.
It's all about me.
God is not big enough do do it.
In this week's Bible Study, we were asked to evaluate our beliefs and the lies that Satan often buries in our hearts. The above statements and so many others like them are NOT true. Scripture tells us that God will forgive us of our past, no matter what! We learn that happiness is found in pursuing God, not our own desires. Jesus teaches to forgive, not retaliate. The list goes on and on. What lies have you been telling yourself lately or allowing an outside influence to impress on your heart? God's word is our guide and only in this truth will we ever find the peace God wants us to walk in. Are you struggling with any of these lies? Talk to a spiritual leader that you trust and find scriptural answers to these very important life questions.
Truth is characteristic of Christ. Deceit is characteristic of Satan. It's pretty cut and dry. We follow the example of one or the other. Who will you follow? I urge you - don't take the dare. It's a matter of life or death.
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