Next week, on Wednesday, May 14th, we'll meet at the Firehouse Cafe at 6:30 to make PRAYER JOURNALS. All ladies are invited to join us whether you've been attending the Bible study or not. We'll talk about ways to create a regular prayer time with God, or to enhance the time you already spend with him. In addition, we'll make a journal that you can use as a guide in your quiet time with Him. This will be a fun, interactive evening, and I hope to see each of you there!
Following, is a list of supplies that you might like to bring:
- Spiral Notebook or classic journal/writing book
- Glue stick or other adhesive
- Scissors, pens, markers
- Pictures of your family and/or close friends
- Pictures or small items from your work place (business cards, company logo)
- Picture of your home
- Church bulletin or pictures of church functions and people
- Pictures of missionaries that you pray for or support
There is no exact formula of what items you'll need, just think about the areas in your life that you want to pray for on a regular basis, and bring pictures and small items that remind you of those things. If you don't have all these pictures - no big deal. I will provide some additional supplies for those who may need them. Can't wait to see you all on Wednesday. Bring a friend!
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