Growing up, people used to call my family the "potato head family". They said we all looked alike and we could each trade noses, ears, eyes, and such and we would still look the same. I still bear many of my family's physical traits today. However, more importantly, I bear the traits of their character and the influence they bore on me as a person.
This Mother's Day, I think of my mom who is celebrating back home with my two brothers, while I'm 2,000 miles away, celebrating with my kids. I thought I'd take some time to honor my mom from afar and let our "girlfriends" know the legacy that she is creating. I want to focus on the character traits of my mother and what they mean to me.
My mother is strong. She knows what she wants and how she feels, and she's not afraid to let anyone know. Yes, I believe it's from her that I get my independence and stamina. My mother is patient. How she made it through all the years of disrespect, hormones, and crazy sibling disputes, I'll never know. My mother is intelligent. I always knew where to go for help with school work. She gave me a standard to reach and I'm proud to say it was high. My mother is loyal. She has shown me by example what it means to stand by your husband through thick and thin (40+ years). She keeps her word and always follows through with any job that she starts. My mother is selfless. She gives, and gives, and then gives some more, sometimes to the detriment of her health or well-being. My mother is supportive. Through the years of moving all over the country, taking grand-kids "away" and following our dreams, my mother supports our family and the work that God has called us to. The list goes on and I could continue all night. However, I must point out the greatest gift of all...
My mother loves Jesus. She made sure that I was raised in a home where Jesus came first. At the age of 5, she was the one who prayed with me as I gave my heart to Jesus. Now, 31 years later, I'm grateful for the sacrifices she made for our family and the importance she placed on serving Jesus with all our heart. I can only hope to pass this legacy on to my children. As they continue to grow, I'll watch the seeds that my grandmother planted in my mom continue to bear fruit as my mom planted them in me and I, in my kids.

So let me ask you; what legacy are you leaving to your children? None of us can be perfect. All we can do is our best. Let's support each other as "girlfriends" who are trying to make a difference in the eternal lives of our kids.

By the way - I also want to honor my mother-in-law who is another tremendous example and amazing woman in my life. She understands the ups and downs of "full time" ministry and what it means to be a pastor's wife. She raised a son and instilled in him the importance of his role as a godly, committed, father and husband. She thinks of me as her own daughter and accepts me, flaws and all. So to both of my moms, I love and appreciate you both!