Through the years, the lists have expanded and changed, and now it seems my lists have lists. Whether the list is in your head, or you take time to write it out on paper or enter it into your digital hand-held every day, most every woman has a to-do list!
Now I know there are many women who are able to relax and just roll with the flow. I'm guessing you're the ones who don't ever make a list to begin with. But for the rest of us, it's so easy to allow this list to control our day and our attitude. When we aren't able to check everything off by the end of the day (which NEVER happens), or when something unexpected pops up and takes over, we don't know how to deal with the frustration.
In the Frazzled Female by Cindi Wood, she has a great suggestion for handling our "to-do" lists. Create a "detail book". Get a small notebook and write a little prayer in the front of it. "Lord, here's my list of details. I'm recording things to do, errands to run, items to pick up , places to be, calls to make... all the things that can drive me crazy if each one is not committed to You! Thank You for being the Lord of my details!" Then, as you write or edit your list each day, give your list to God. Let Him take the details of your life and worry about them for you. He knows what needs to happen and how it should happen. What a great way to give your little worries to the Lord! I challenge each of you to give this a try!
"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Matthew 6:27
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