Welcome to the Prayer Closet! Your girlfriends want to lift you up in prayer and encourage you! Leave your request and pray for the requests of others. It's simple. Just click on "comments" underneath this post and follow the instructions. You can leave your name, or leave an anonymous request. Either way, you can be assured that girlfriends are praying for you!
If you're here to pray - click on comments for a list of requests that you can take to Jesus!
What a beau-ti-ful blog you have set up Jamie! Love it! I'm sorry I couldn't make it last Wednesday, I was truly exhausted. I loved the study this past week though! The fast from negativity was awesome! I see some of my thoughts drift off to negativity when I am unaware. I am headed to Chico tomorrow (Friday) to meet with my parents and brother about a tough issue. Please pray for my brother John's health. Thanks all!
We will absolutely lift John up in prayer. Keep us updated.
Please pray for Isaiah as he continues to adjust to his new school and making new friends.
Jamie, you did a great job on this!
I would like to pray for David and his upcoming retirement. He is still very uncertain about the future, adn I wuld like to pray that God will give him peace, and allow David to ntrust that God will provede. I pray that he will find a new career that will be a blessing to David, but also that will further God's kingdom. Thanks!
Continue to pray for Isaiah and adjustments at school. Pray that he'll make the right kind of friends and build a strong reputation. Pray that he'll be a leader, not a follower.
Dear Girlfriends,
This weeks lesson really speaks to me. Please pray that I will not let things I view as "important things to be done"...get in the way of being with friends and having fun. As I'm reminded on page 70 under "Defrazzler". Blessings from
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