We get to start out our new year with the opportunity to get to know another one of our fabulous girlfriends from Living Hope. Meet M'Lisa Cunningham and her family pictured below, and enjoy all the fun facts!

Full Name: M'Lisa Anne Cunningham
Family facts: I have two brothers, Derek and Randy Cox
Hometown: I grew up in Woodland, CA. Lived there all my life until I married LC.
Married? Yes - to L.C.
New Family: I have 1 son - Garrett, 2 stepsons - Nate & Luke, and 1 stepdaughter - Hannah
I love the way my family can make each other laugh.
Job: My current job is a legal assistant/secretary.
I would love to become a grade school teacher.
Quirky Facts:
- My endless supply of food would be and endless supply of vegetable potstickers.
- The one goal I would like to attempt is work my way down to have only one purse until is wears out....seriously, I would like to reach my goal of becoming a grade school teacher.
- My hero is someone who can accept everyone as they are and bring joy to those around them. My Husband.
- Summer time is great when I'm doing my favorite thing which is having bar-b-que's poolside at my mom's house.
- I'm definitely a night person. I fall asleep easy, but mornings for me...yuck!
- My favorite hobbies are reading and baking.
- The one pet peve I really have is when people disrespect other people.
- My turn ons....ok, well, my ears perk up when I hear the word "puppy". I love dogs.
- No 15 above is a turn off (people disrespecting people).
- Oh boy, a unique or quirky habit, o.k., I will never,ever do this for anybody, I only do it at home, but when my throat itches, I can make a noise that scratches my throat, but it sounds like a pig snorting. I only know two other people who can do this.
- Goofy, nice, and smiley.
- I like myself, but I wouldn't mind being more like my husband, not me being a man, but having some of his traits.
How did you start coming to Living Hope?
- My husband LC, boyfriend at the time, took me one day and he and I have been going together ever since. (P.S. he stole me from my other church in Woodland).
What message do you have for your Living Hope friends?
- Thanks for being such a welcoming and warm group. I know that if I or any of my family or friends are ever in trouble, I have an awesome extended family that will be there. Thanks LH!
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