This week we will actually be able to introduce you to some missionaries that Living Hope supports. Unlike so many areas of the world, we can correspond freely with and tell you openly about Nate & Elizabeth Claasen. Elizabeth Claasen’s parents, Mary & Bill Reed were part of Living Hope Church for the first two years of our existence and now are worshipping at Valley Church in Vacaville where they live. Through them we were introduced to the Claasens and were able to see them prepare for the mission field. They are with New Tribes Missions and trained with them for several years taking Bible courses, learning how to learn a new language and then translate the Bible into a language which has no written language. The Claasens were also trained in how to live in a tribal setting (i.e. how to generate electricity, build a home, not get eaten alive by bugs, and general jungle living). Finally they were ready and last year Nate & Elizabeth Claasen left with their three small children and flew almost half way across the world to bring the good news to people in a culture very different from the one they left behind. The first year they were working in Madang which was a tropical setting. Now they are working in Lapilo which is in the mountains and has a much cooler climate. New Tribes Missions has asked them to work with missionary children who are boarding at the agency’s school because their education has become more than their parents out in the field can handle. Nate’s job is to teach these children math and science. This is such a difficult sacrifice for the missionary parents out in the field and it is extremely important for them to know their children are in good hands. Nate and Elizabeth are doing just that. Let me urge you to check out their website for breathtaking pictures and very interesting reading about their work. For this week’s prayer points, please go to http://claasens.blogspot.com.
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