As Living Hope wrapped up its Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry for this year, please pray for those shoe boxes to bless the children they are going to. The great thing about this ministry is that it brings great joy to children who have so little and are often in desperate situations: war, refugee camps, famine stricken areas, and extreme poverty. Samaritan’s Purse is headed up by Franklin Graham, Billy Graham’s son and they do a wonderful job in making sure that not only is the shoebox given but that the children have an opportunity to meet the Giver of Gifts, Jesus Christ. They include a book presenting the gospel and often at the distribution of gifts have a program that presents children with the gospel through music, puppets or other outreach. Please pray that each child who receives a Living Hope shoebox will come to know Jesus Christ and feel loved this Christmas. To find out more about Samaritan’s Purse and/or Operation Christmas Child go to http://www.samaritanspurse.org
1 comment:
Hey! How many boxes did you guys get? We have people do them, but we usually have only about 20-25.
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