It's been a few weeks... but the wait is over! Meet our next girlfriend, Lia Hughes!

What is your full name? Lia Michelle Hughes
Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have one brother Tom.
Where did you grow up? I was born in the state of Washington, moved to Ohio by age 2, then to Sunnyvale CA in 1st grade. During Middle School we moved to Cupertino (next to Sunnyvale) where we stayed till I graduated High School. I went to DeAnza Junior College (Cupertino), Santa Rosa JC, San Jose State, SanFransisco State & Graduated from South Western Oklahoma State U inWeatherford, OK. Long Haul, but I finally made it.
Are you married? Married in 1996, Divorced in 1998. Happy just hanging with my kids.
Do you have any kids? Brian 15 & Dana 12
Name a favorite thing about someone in your family. I love my whole family! We get along great! I totally believe that it takes a village to raise a family :)
What is your current job? I have my own business doing Web Design and Hosting (I do the accounting and office work mostly and leave the designing up to others)
What profession would you like to attempt? Retirement :)
If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get? Anything I don't have to cook! Mexican, Italian, Chinese - STEAK
What is one goal you'd like to accomplish during your lifetime? See my grand children's children and be involved as one big happy family.
Who is your hero? I don't really have one. I guess my Dad. I am definitely a daddy's girl :)
What's your favorite thing to do in the summer? Play on the water
Are you a morning or night person? Definitely Night
What are your favorite hobbies? Crochet, Knitting, Cross Stitching - Hanging out talking
What are your pet peeves? Grumpy People
What turns you on? Happy People
What turns you off? Cigarette Smoke
Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours. I always want to make everyone happy :)
If you had to describe yourself using three words, it would be… Easy going, helpful, happy
When, how, why did you start attending Living Hope? I first went to the organization meeting when they were trying to get Living Hope started. Then I dragged Luchie &; Chris to the First Sunday Service at Living Hope. I did take a break to try to get my kids involved more with Church and attended Dixon Community which was great for about 6 mo and then went down hill. I was so happy to come back to Living Hope and was very pleased to find out that that Sunday was Rob's first Sunday as worship leader. It felt like home to be back. I first found out about Living Hope because I attended Valley in Vacaville.</span>
What message do you want to send to your LH friends? SMILE :)
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