What is your full name? Cynthia Marie Minatre (AKA: Gloria)
Do you have any brothers or sisters? Two brothers (one older, one younger) I really wanted a sister.
Where did you grow up? I grew up out in the country near Linden, CA
Are you married? Yes, I have been married to Rich for 34 years.
Do you have any kids or grand kids? Two daughters, Angela Lockwood who is 30 years old and Susan Nelson who is almost 29 years old. I have two grandsons. Ethan Lockwood who is almost 6 years old and Colton Nelson who is 2 years old. Colton and Susan live in Oak Harbor, Washington.
Name a favorite thing about someone in your family. I love talking and spending time with Ethan. He amazes me and brings me lots of joy!
What is your current job? Home manager. I also get to watch Ethan when he is not at school and his mom is working.
What profession would you like to attempt? When I was in high school I wanted to be a flight attendent. I was told that I wasn't tall enough. I then chose to be a Dental Assistant.
If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get? Chocolate
What is one goal you’d like to accomplish during your lifetime? To be more like Jesus and less selfish. To reach my goal weight.
Who is your hero? I would have to say it was my maternal grandmother. Her name was Angelina. Angela was named after her.
What’s your favorite thing to do in the summer? Go somewhere where it is cool...like the coast or to Washington to see Colton.
Are you a morning or night person? I am an early morning person
What are your favorite hobbies? Quilting and RVing
What are your pet peeves? Clutter (my own), ungrateful people and critical people
What turns you on? A good sale. Going shopping with Angela. A clean house
What turns you off? A cluttered house (mine), gaining weight, criticism
Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours. Doing housework in the middle of the night. (I know, I need help!!! And I don't mean a housekeeper, although that sounds nice.)
If you had to describe yourself using three words, it would be… Focused, caring and fun loving.
If I could be anybody besides myself, I would be… I wouldn't change who I am. I would like to be more like Mary (Martha's sister).
When, how, why did you start attending Living Hope? I started going to Living Hope when Charlene Haugen was in charge of Children's Church. Angela and Phil started attending Living Hope and I wanted to go where my family was going. I gave it a try and liked it once I started going to Home Groups and feeling connected. Now I love it especially since we got this awesome Pastor and Pastor's wife.
What message do you want to send to your LH friends? Thank you for being my church family. If you are not feeling connected: Get in on a Home Group and Women's Bible Study.
Very cool to get to know you better, Cindy! You've been married for 34 years - wow - you rock! What a legacy to leave to your children! We love you!
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