Two weeks ago, sweet little Maria was accidentally run over in her family's driveway by her brother who drove their SUV. After a visit to the hospital, she lost her battle for life and went to be with Jesus. So many emotions and questions have come to the surface since that day and prayers have gone out for the family. Why does God allow this precious orphan to be rescued from her sure ill-fate in China only to be killed at the age of 5 in such a tragic way? It's one of many questions we may never get an answer to while here on earth.
A long time fan of SCC (more than 20 years), it's funny how I feel like a piece of me died. I never knew this sweet spirit, but I was fortunate to have met Steven, his wife Beth, and his brother. Even still, as a human, a mom, a lover of children, it's impossible not to let this grief slip into my heart each time I think of them. How much greater then, must this grief be for Steven himself and their close friends and family?
Today, I ask my "girlfriends" to take a moment and pray. Pray for the family to find peace in this time when only the opposite feelings intrude. Pray especially for Maria's big brother, who will undoubtedly suffer great emotional pain knowing he was at the wheel when this horrific accident occurred. As the days and weeks go by and Steven's fans and the rest of America forget about this big news story, their family will continue to hurt and grieve. Pray that they will experience the miracle of rest in their hearts and get through the pain moment-by-moment, one day at a time. How can you keep this in the forefront of your memory? Every time you hear a SCC song on the radio or see a news brief on the state of China, think of the Chapmans and say a prayer for them.
Want to do even more? Give a gift to Shaohannah's Hope, a foundation for orphans in China, named after Steven's first adopted daughter. Just click on this link for more information on Maria's Miracle Fund. https://secure2.convio.net/ccsh/site/Donation2?idb=2079166640&df_id=1560&1560.donation=form1&JServSessionIdr009=ma974rkmx1.app14a
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